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Everything posted by Reddkv

  1. True.... B ms must be expensive
  2. sammeeeeeee cant open..still crased
  3. help i cant open.. PRO.. use windows 10 64 bit [image]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/303143187210436609/303143404932562945/testtt.png[/image]
  4. see you my best friend.. take care.. :Frown: :etc: ada apa" kabarin daen..
  5. daen and sheila wish u all the best.. my best friend.. really miss u.. :Frown: gl in realife ahahah ill take number 70
  6. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <r><E>:Heart:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  7. chat me in game or in here
  8. Re: WTS BOLD EPIC BUDEW ALL 20+ IVS <t>400 hey</t>
  9. togepi max speed post your price
  10. Re: Chronos' Giveaway <t>thank you BuyShinyNair ! wish you all the best.. *hug<br/> <br/> Reddkv<br/> <br/> 155 <<< yeaay</t>
  11. IGN : Reddkv Timezone : GMT+7 wish you all the best cronos.. hehehe lope u
  12. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <t>1. My name is Guntur<br/> 2.Name ingame is Reddkv, i play in Red server.<br/> 3. I have played for 777hr , 7 menit ( lagi pas bgt) and get all the badges.<br/> 4. I come from indonesia and im 24 years old.<br/> 5. i want to play with others people and have fun, and pvp <br/> 6. maybe bermain bersama dan rame lebih seru kali ya hehehehe.<br/> 7. i have guild but orang yang gw kenal sudah punah.<br/> 8. I like exadril with tyranitar cause it so very fast and strong...<br/> 9. i dont have discord.. maybe later..i will.<br/> 10. Yes, i follow all the PRO's rules.</t>
  13. start 100k
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