Hp fire Greninja
Start offer: 1.4m
Insta price 10m
Min bid: 200k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Hp fire Amoonguss
Start offer: 600k
Insta price: 5m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Swampert 31speed adamant
Start offer: 700k
Insta price: 5m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Mimikyu 31 speed jolly
Start offer: 500k
Insta price: 3m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Bisharp 30/31 adamant
Start offer: 500k
Insta price: 3m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
#1 Tyranitar 31speed jolly
Start offer: 500k
Current offer 500k by Jeremyi6
Insta price: 3m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
#2 Tyranitar 24+
Start offer: 500k
Current offer: 500k by Jeremyi6
Insta price: 3m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Rotom wash bold 23+
Start offer: 500k
Current offer: 700k Cattybandit
Insta price: 4m
Min bid: 100k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Conkeldurr 31speed
Start offer: 300k
Insta price: 2m
Min bid: 50k
Auction time: 48h from first bid
Only pokedollars accepted
All trade rules apply to the auctions