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Posts posted by Oldtomato

  1. Re: Sevii Island Mission Guide


    <r>At first the lady will ask u to find the cat, the cat is the east of the island u can probably find him. Then the cat will disappear and you have swim over and to the north part of the island, u can check the map which can actually show u what i mean. Furthermore, when u find the cat, he will disappear again u have to the west that mean u have to across the cave to find it. Additionally, I not sure the cat will go to the west part again and go to the north, finally the cat will say it disappear to the south where u can see my previous comments<br/>

    <IMG src="https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/d9/Fortune_Island.png/139px-Fortune_Island.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

    this image probally can show u what does the seventh island look likes</r>

  2. Re: Sevii Island Mission Guide


    <r><QUOTE author="SacroSaint971"><s>

    </s><POST content="88760"><s></s>88760<e></e></POST> hi everybody, i'm actually stuck on the 6 island, <br/>

    the lady ask me to sear someone at the east but i haven't find a clue xD so if someone got one pls =).<e>


    u have to find that cat and u have to follow that cat's path, notice the direction that cat give to u</r>

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