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Everything posted by Ellida

  1. Ellida

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1 - Ellida 2 - 1302 hours 3 - Lapras 4- 24
  2. 300k big boi venusaur
  3. 400k the modest one?
  4. Hey bel, how much for that emboar?
  5. i start
  6. I start ma boi
  7. Whats your GMT?
  8. 550 here
  9. ok, i pay 230k :>
  10. 200k for ninetales?
  11. 300k donphan and charizard
  12. 450k for donphan and charizard?
  13. Re: EPIC Pokes MEGA auction <t>im online now</t>
  14. Re: Chansey and Hawlucha <t>350k chansey and 300 hawlucha</t>
  15. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>270k :P</t>
  16. All shinies sold.
  17. Dragonite sold @EDIT Shiny arbok and furret sold
  18. Mankey Vileplume Pidgey Grimer Fearow Parasect Oddish Nidoqueen sold!
  19. Shinies politoed, onix, kingdra,slowpoke,caterpie , weedle , wurmple , whismur and loudred sold
  20. you need to open in a new tab to see it better. @EDIT Shiny donphan sold
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