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Everything posted by Kgoing

  1. NAME CHANGE Username: Kgoing New Username: DeathView Server to charge the money from: Silver
  2. NAME CHANGE Username: Feeldog New Username: Kgoing Server to charge the money from: Silver
  3. Excuse me, how to change my name? plz help
  4. Hi guys I need epic impish/water absorb poliwag/evo Comment : price , image pls Name in game : feeldog Thanks.
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Feeldog ● Are you active in Discord? Yes, Feeldog#8675 ● Where are you from? VietNam ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 1011+hrs and plays 3-4 hrs everyday ● What's your goal in PRO? I want to be the top 25 pvp silver ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I love chaos guild and look forward to communicating with everyone, about pvp, about life, about friend, etc. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Gengar :X:X:X, it's so cool and strong for me ● What's your favorite animal and why? My favorite animal is Dog because they are so cute, friendly, loyalty.
  6. Looking for epic bold rotom wash IGN:Feeldog thanks
  7. pm me in game : feeldog thanks bro
  8. pm me in game ign: feeldog
  9. Looking for epic timid hp ice eevee/jolteon IGN:Feeldog Post picture here or pm link in game. Thanks
  10. Looking for epic timid Chimchar/Infernape budget : 2m IGN : Feeldog Thanks
  11. Looking for epic timid togekiss IGN:Feeldog Thanks
  12. i need epic modest/sap sipper goodra budget 1m
  13. Looking for good goodra epic modest IGN: Feeldog Thanks
  14. looking for bisharp good ada ^_^ IGN : feeldog thanks
  15. Re: IMPISH STURDY SKARMORY 30/31 // PVP READY <t>i start 400k</t>
  16. 400k for skarmory
  17. Price for skarmory bro?
  18. buy in game Thanks
  19. Thanks
  20. Re: Wtb Epic Ada Larvitar/Tyranitar <t>.....</t>
  21. buy in game Thanks
  22. Thanks
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