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About Anuragthebeast

  • Birthday 02/14/2002

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  1. PM me or Reply
  2. Can i request for this pokemon raika
  3. THANK YOU @HappyMango i got my candies back . -----> can u even check my released Pokemon data i think i released my "Halloween themed Larvitar" which cost million's. and i don't have "screen shot "of it. if it is not possible to check it i will sadly forget it </3 <----- Thank you again
  4. yes i do. can i get them back after completing? o_o
  5. I need a serious help. it seems like i'm loosing my items like TM( Technical Machines) and Rare candies. i have lost my TM during Halloween quest 2019 its a long time so leave it a side. But just few minutes ago i lost my 21 rare candies i want them back. This in no joke i'm serious about my rare candies plz hellpp...
  6. please un-bann the darkarai <3 never used it in pvp i really wanted to use it is there any way?
  7. During the quest of dakarai I entered in Darkrelem I noticed that all my tm's are gone. EVEN AFTER THE COMPLETION OF QUEST I DIDNT GET THEM BACK (I caught darkarai). How I can get them back
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