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About Ghosticboypl

  • Birthday 11/16/1997

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  1. Hi, since Sinnoh is available, some players have probably already finished the storyline. From what I know at the moment there is no single boss in this region. That's why I have suggestions for 3 bosses. 1. Classically professors from the region [glow=red]Prof.Rowan[/glow]: [glow=blue]Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Garchomp, Staraptor, Mega Lucario[/glow] (Random order) Awards: [glow=green]Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, Riolu, Starly, Gible[/glow] 2.[glow=red]Jasmine (leader of Johto)[/glow] Location: [glow=grey]Iron Island[/glow] [glow=blue]Bastiodon, Mega Steelix, Magnezone, Mega Aggron, Metagross and Dialga[/glow] (Random Order) Awards: [glow=green]Armor Fossil or revived fossil (Shieldon), Onix, Magnemite, Beldum, Aron [/glow] 3.[glow=red]Cynthia (Like every champion boss region)[/glow] Location: [glow=yellow]Celestic Town[/glow] [glow=blue]Mega Garchomp, Meloetta, Giratina, Spiritomb, Kyurem and Rampardos[/glow] (Random Order) Awards: [glow=green]Skull Fossil or revived fossil (Cranidos), Spiritomb, Gible [/glow] Of course, if Thor has his own vision then please, this is just my boss view, but I think it would be cool to see these bosses. Awards are a bit weak but I did not think too much about them, I was more interested in getting fossils Sinnoh, so I arranged the bosses. So, please express your opinion :)
  2. I logged out afk, and now I can not log in because it is written that I am already!
  3. Re: [RED] TOURNAMENT : Kanto Classic [bEGINNING] <t>Will there be any draws with whom to fight?<br/> I ask not to be so one participant calls out who has already dropped out.</t>
  4. No. Already after the division into 3 servers, the number of players in the rarity does not exceed 1825, so the next server, the more a separate region is superfluous. The second thing is that the PRO is not adjusted under Unova and Kalos, so there is rather no expectation of these regions, although it is unclear what the staff is up to. As our predecessors wrote, we do not need new servers, just more updates, repaired abilities and moves.
  5. Yes, this labyrinth of erika without flash is a failure.
  6. Re: [RED] TOURNAMENT : Kanto Classic [OPEN] [24/48] <t>Please enter me :)</t>
  7. In the anime to Hoeen was only given by boat, but such solution in the PRO would be interesting.
  8. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 4th 2017] <t>Guys, Hydreigon don`t have close combat! He have focus blast</t>
  9. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <r><S><s></s></S><QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE><i></i><br/> <br/> This officer is out of date. Moveset deals with Wargreymon, who is no longer available.</r>
  10. I thought that since Steven has Klinklang, and gives the Klink. This is one of the bosses with Scrafty, should Scraggy. And changing a team is by the way, to refresh some older bosses. I apologize for the mistake in the name pokemon, already corrected
  11. Hello, I came up with another idea about bosses. 1.Change the team of gingery Jones, and awards from him. Curennt Team: Mandibuzz, Clawitzer, Scrafty, Conckeldurr Klinklang,Pangoro Golurk. [glow=green]New Team[/glow]: [glow=green]Beheyem[/glow],Scrafty, [glow=green]Tyrantrum[/glow], [glow=green]Aurorus[/glow], Mandibuzz, [glow=green]Archeops[/glow] New Reward 3th win: Vullaby,[glow=green]Scraggy[/glow],Amaura,Tyrant,[glow=green]Archen[/glow] 2.Change of Team Bruno, and reward. Current team: Hariyama, Scrafty, Medicham, Conckeldurr, Sawk, Throh and Mega Steelix. [glow=green]New Team[/glow]: Sawk, Throh, [glow=green]Mega Medicham[/glow], [glow=green]Mienshaoo[/glow] , [glow=green]Cobalion[/glow], [glow=green]Toxicroak[/glow] New Reward: Sawk,Throh,Meditite, [glow=green]Mienfoo[/glow]
  12. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Sgath&Keres give random poke klefki and skrelp.<br/> Kagawa Noivern use flamethrower.</t>
  13. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Regigigas 4th atack fire punch. And porygon -z psychock.<br/> Ravine boss remove rewards gothita and skorupi.</t>
  14. Zapraszamy do Polish Order. Sami Polacy, aktywna gildia. Znajdź mnie w grze Ghosticboypl, lub pisz do Paleo,Roszpunka,Kyloren czy Wojti9152. Ktoś z nas zawsze jest więc może Cię spokojnie przyjąć. Do zobaczenia w grze :)
  15. Nice, Holiday on Vulcan Island again xd
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