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About Ismamstander

  • Birthday 05/10/2006

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    Zemote aka Ismamstander#3903
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Ismamstander's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Buy your hawlucha 350k. Discord : @zem0te
  2. If I take the dex service throught LENDING feature then evolve the pokemon (to increase my evo data), does it actually increase my Evo data? I'm unsure abt this since its a lend pokemon. If it increases the data then I'm buying ur service for 60+ pokes
  3. Ah that's a big trouble then. Since I've got no time at all, I dont think I can complete the story. Can you please reverse trade it anyway? I'll send the ss of the owner of hippo regarding its confirmation then. Ty for the fast reply!
  4. Hey, today I bought a Hippowdown for 450k in a cross server trade (through alt account). But after trading I saw that the Hippowdown was region locked. I didn’t notice at all about it. There was a msg while I was trading but I didnt see it properly and accepted the trade. Sorry for the mistake.. Since thats my alt account I want to transfer this Hippowdown to my main account 'Ismamstander'. The money used in buying this hippo was money of Ismamstander, i.e : my main account (you can see previous trades). The account this Hippo is in is "Xmote" and I want to trasnfer to "Ismamstander" Please help me out! I need the hippo in my pvps. I bought it solely for playing pvps today. Thanks!
  5. Currently taking offers for this Manectric Hp Ice. Offer me your best prices. All payment methods accepted (at its normal prices) Discord : @zem0te
  6. [MANDATORY] Start Point/Price: [MANDATORY] Point: [OPTIONAL] Insta: [OPTIONAL] Min Raise: [OPTIONAL] Accepted Payment(s): SOLD Discord : @zem0te
  7. I'd like to buy the Hippowdown. Discord : zem0te
  8. 900k (my account has a bit of gmail prob but it will be fixed soon so u can consider the offer theres no worry)
  9. Damn, that was a really clean way to explain it! I think I can finally understand how does it work.. If thats the case then I think its super easy to get 300 evolution though it will take alot of patience and hard work. Thanks alot for the valuable information !! I've understood the whole process of it now !
  10. Well all I wanted to know was about the Evolutions in the pokedex..How exaxtly does it work? I have tried an experiment : When a pokemon's secondary or third form is already caught and then you evolve the baby form then you get no Evolution Data When the pokemon is only seen (but not caught) and then you evolve its baby form then the evolution data counts.. is it the way how the dex works? Or all the evolutions get calculated? please explain me. also if thats the case then I think I can never get 300 evolutions..Currently I have 221 evo's but when I checked my dex, 2/3rd of my dex's evolved form is already caught so I cannot evolve and get more data please explain
  11. Is it hp ice? Gotta pay more if it is
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