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  1. Just top update 100 of it just showed up, seem to just take a very long time. WIll update again if the other 100 comes through.
  2. Just coming back after a long break. Started a new character on gold with a friend for fun, bought 200 coins and it all worked fine. Merged my old character to silver just to see what was on it. After that I tried to purchase another 200 coins, and am not receiving them. My friend is having the exact same issue. Just wondering if merging messes with coin purchasing? The coins were purchased on the Gold server.
  3. Who has time for all of that farming? Well here at TFS, we do, and we want to help you get the Pokemon you want, without wasting your life getting it. We are a team who are willing to do the farming for you, any Pokemon, any nature, any IVs. For an hourly rate of 5k(Up to 3 hours) We will farm more then three if it takes that, we just wont charge you for it, and the cost of the poke(Negotiable depending on average selling rate for the poke/nature/IVs) We will farm out that perfect Pokemon real life wont let you dedicate the time to find. Message me if you are interested in our farming service. We are also looking for a few more dedicated farmers to help out, feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining the team. Happy Holidays everyone and happy farming:)
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