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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. wtb adamant drillbur/excadrill with mold breaker. Want good attack stat every other stat can be slightly low. Contact in discord id (.lazyknight)
  2. I think people streaming their games in discord to the people they are okay with showing their games is enough. If anyone can watch your games your team would be leaked almost every time in less than 5 games, that kind of makes using funny teams even harder cuz they are built on the element of surprise. Even if it's implemented PRO will probably give an option to allow their matches to be spectated which most people won't allow (atleast the top PvP players whose games would actually be worth seeing)
  3. oh ok mb
  4. 260k if auction isn't over
  5. Trade done, can be closed
  6. Sold to @Vedraj for 350k
  7. Noted, Auction ends on 2:38 PM IST
  8. Start price :- 300k End :- 24 hours after first bid Min Raise :- 50k Accepted paymenst :- Pokedollars, cc = 360k, iv rr = 600k, nat rr = 300k, rc = 7k each contact :- discord - Noob_Aniket#4487 in game - Aniketjain2
  9. Some bids happened after that so time should again be reset to 15min i guess
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