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  1. idk fam, mods have the special icon in front of them, the usage of capitalization has nothing to do with that That would still not help with the usage of WTB/WTT or other abbreviations like IIRC, IDK or IM(H)O
  2. It would be a good idea to let people use capitalization in the in-game chat. It is a very easy suggestion and it can clarify terms like WTB, WTS, WTT, BCC, CC and so on. I know that moderators have the ability to use capitals in the public chats, so it's just a matter of changing a "false" to a "true" in the code. It is also just natural for people to type with upp- and lower case letters, it exists for a reason. I can't remember who I had the conversation with (one of the mods, probably), but the argument was that they were afraid it would be a spamfest with all caps. This does not hold true with other online games and doesn't even apply to the discord server many of us use. It is just a weird thing and maybe after enabling the first days people will be surprised you can use capitals(and will maybe be annoying for a minute or two), but I guarantee that in the long run it does not harm the chat experience, I can think of other things that post a bigger threat to the wellbeing of the playerbase. thank you for at least considering it, I think many long time players have accepted it as a normality, but it is still really strange for many, as if we are not trusted with a little bit of responsibility
  3. 300k
  4. thanks @Kvar I didn't really find the topics, ever since 2008 I have been an absolute potato when it comes to forums and effectively search for them. Good luck
  5. As far as i know it didn't appear in the other three regions, but now as i started Sinnoh story it suddenly popped out. This is probably well known, but just in case it's not this is a minor thing that can easily be fixed by just changing the é to and e, as they do in other names like Pokedex and Pokedollars. Cheers, and stay hydrated.
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