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Everything posted by Shadowkorri

  1. Here is the album with all 5 poke. https://imgur.com/a/Tm6ZC Post offers here or message me ingame.
  2. Sorry for double post. You can find the pokes in the other Thread.
  3. Re: ♦ PokeShop ♦ 20+ PVP ready Poke/ 40+ untrained ♦ [most are below 200k - 7/12/17] <t>I am interested in the second Yamask, the 21 Def / 18 SpDef / 21 HP one. I will PM you ingame when you are connected to discuss the price.</t>
  4. Starting offer, 1m Instabuy offer, 2m Post the offer here, or if insta pm ingame to ShadowKorri.
  5. Seems I cannot PM you because I have only one post in the forum, but yes I am still interested.
  6. Answers: 1. What is your current play time? 130h hours but will get to 200 pretty fast if I keep playing at this pace. 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3 Probably farming pokemons until I get them like I like them xd 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO Cats. Obviously. 4. What are your goals in pro? Getting a hold of a decent pokemon team and having fun :) 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3 Looks like a big guild with many players who share the love for the game. And I can probably learn a lot from the experienced players. And yes I dont think I wil have a problem with discord :D
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