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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Price: 1.3m
  2. WTT or sell beautifly wings 200k (for beedrill or butterfree wings) WTS normal cloak 120k WTS Shiny dragonair mount 300k
  3. i buy shiny snorlax set if 180k
  4. What's your ingame name and where do you want to meet? Vermilion and its 0o0o0o0o0 <-<
  5. hey i wanna buy blue kimono ^^
  6. i wanna participate if still open ^^
  7. Im selling an epic Accelgor. 31 speed and 31 Spatt, right nature and ability. No low offers pls.
  8. selling shiny milotic mount 400k
  9. wts the evolution item for porygon for 300k
  10. Wtt my 60d ms for 2 30d ms or 4 15d ms Selling for 1m
  11. Got 296 points with a Scyther ^^ Red Server
  12. Make your offer, 1m insta
  13. Re: Zwettl's shop (mainly untrained) <t>Hey i have summer clothes red/black, can u trade with me one of ur summer clothes in white? (pref red)</t>
  14. wts houndoom mount 200k or trade for talonflame/ninetales mount
  15. Re: Zwettl's shop (mainly untrained) <t>Do u have every summer clothes for sell?</t>
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