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Everything posted by Subhaan

  1. Pm me here(in forums) or in discord: MiDniTe#3123 for further details..
  2. Dm me on forums/discord : MiDniTe#3123 ~Untrained pokes preferred~ • Timburr ada guts • Dratini rash h.a. • Froakie naive h.a. • Rotom bold • Bulbasaur rash chlorophyll
  3. I'm playing on Android and after this new update the game got notched issue
  4. Re: ☆REVERSEZ SHOP☆(Update 19-12-17) <t>I want that victrebel <br/> IGN- Subhaan<br/> Discord - Subhaan #0559</t>
  5. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Showdown name- Subhaan<br/> Server- Blue</t>
  6. Subhaan

    I'm stuck

    Game is working but I'm stuck while catching this goomy. I don't wanna log out. Pls do something
  7. Re: REFFERENCER's Items Wish List !!! (Updated In 22/10/2017) <t>I sell straw hat for 100k</t>
  8. Sorry but now I don't need it cuz I hunt a better one
  9. nvm I got a good one.......pls close this topic
  10. Thanks for the help
  11. I have shiny slowpoke, r u interested to buy it?:-) And I have got protector so I don't need it now
  12. My bagon is slightly moved out of its place. This is a screenshot of the bug. Pls can u fix it?
  13. I would like to buy one protector but can u lower the price a little?
  14. I can train ur Eevee very fast. Only 60k for both speed and spatk ev
  15. [mention]FatManClt[/mention] I'm online now
  16. Re: Fat-Ot Shop - Pvp and Cheap poke Inside - Start your region with a good poke ! <t>I want to buy the N°2 Scyther with 30atk one</t>
  17. •I want to join this guild because I also want to help this guild and I also want to join a cool guild •my goal in pro is to train many pokes and beat strong players • I am 14 years old and I speak only english^_^
  18. I'm interested in the tangela pls pm me in game I'll tell u about the price in game
  19. I want that seedot. My ign is Subhaan . Can we discuss the price in game? :-)
  20. I need a klefki with calm prankster 25+ spdef 25+ hp, 20+ def
  21. I wanna buy that 31atk and 22speed starly
  22. A torkoal was in my way in valley of stell when I crossed it he stopped me and something happened and now I'm not able to move from there
  23. I want to buy vampire clothes on me with price
  24. •Ev training services+level up services •Please have trust on me •Ev train per poke=60k •level 1-80 1k each level......level 81-95 2k each level.......level 96-100 3k each level •ev training + level up(ready) = 100k •PM me in the forums or in game
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