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Everything posted by Rolinjay420

  1. seems like a good idea
  2. thanks for the info I was worried when I saw I had to wait for 24h on bug catching. again thank you for this post =)
  3. hello, I have been looking around sinnoh and can't seem to find any clothing/customization vendors here, I was wondering / hopeful that there would be one. if there's any vendor in sinnoh for clothing/customization items could someone point me in the right direction?
  4. ok i found the building with the right door, sorry please lock
  5. I got the password from the guy out front by beating him, went inside the hq and the door still says I need a password. tried the little box to the left of door and nothing. I also tried the door itself and it said I need a password. please help I have no idea if this is a bug or if I'm missing something. I have 7 badges so not sure if I need 8.
  6. thank you
  7. hey, I'm really lost, I tried help chat a few times but no luck tonight, I just did the lake valor exploded quest beat Steven and a message popped up saying I should meet with Dawn and prof at the other lakes but I have no idea where the other lakes are or what to do. Also, I have no idea on how to get to the 7th gym :( please help someone.
  8. thank you, neroli, please lock
  9. oh i see, found info here, https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=71364 also it says 400+ not 580+
  10. really? i trust you but would like to know where to find this info
  11. did bug catching contest today and got shiny, worth 303 points, i messed up when i first got to johto and talked to vendor, please help
  12. hello, I was wondering if all the pvp clothes from the vendor are tradeable now or if it's just the pangoro set. Also wondering about the mounts from the pvp vendor.
  13. hi, I heard there's a place where I can refund my bike I got from cash shop this update, is it out yet? np if it's not I understand these things take time.
  14. thank you, PreHax
  15. trying to log on to the new primplup client for blue server but it seems down, I was wondering if there was a way i could check server status?
  16. thank you for all the help, thor and alolamoa
  17. lol atm I have both bikes in key items the cc bike for some reason was moved from customization to key items. so currently I have a bicycle and blue bike in key items, both nontradeable.
  18. sadly it can't be traded because it's in key items but I'll try upload images
  19. I bought a blue bike off of a player during the summer event. today I went to spray paint my key item bike from red to green and the, npc couldn't help me because I had two bikes. after talking to a mod, they said to let Thor know in case this is a bug. i also have screen shots but I don't see where I can attach. bike mechanic Jimmy: "Oh I'm sorry, it seems you posess more than 1 bicycle colour! I'm afraid I can't do anything for you at this moment!" ^ might mean, I'm waiting on the client update, if so sorry for being foolish. Also, I have no room to bring this up w/ my bad grammar and spelling but possess is spelled wrong :s the blue bicycle was moved from customization to key items. also i went to cerulean bike shop~
  20. Re: black sludge in cinnabar mansion / thief <t>thanks, sorry for bad bug report, i'll keep that in mind</t>
  21. Re: black sludge in cinnabar mansion / thief <t>yeah it's working 50% of the time atm, very confused</t>
  22. -not a bug sorry-
  23. I guess swap the accounts if multi server but I do see your point :\
  24. IMO, there should be an item in cc shop for server swap. I didn't know the servers when I started, I invested a lot of time on one server and really dislike breaking from a main. I don't know if this has been suggested but if there was a server swap feature in cc shop, I'd be willing to pay for it. maybe make it have a cool down so people don't abuse for markets. when it comes to ignoring, I feel this should come first before, Sinnoh but this is just a personal opinion.
  25. sold!
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