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Everything posted by Darthguindillit

  1. First of all, I know this is a Beta and all that, but I would really like to know if you (the staff and developers) have any intencion of improve the servers? When I started to play this game (arround 1.5 years more or less) the server crashed sometimes; not even everyday. Now the server crashes several times in one day, and it's really annoying to play like this. I know this is a Beta game and I'm not complaining about anything, I apreciate your work, but I want to know if you are going to do something with this or not cause playing like this it's imposible. I haven't play in a week more or less, I opened the game, and in 10 mins server crashed. Although I really like this game, I preffer quit playing it if this server crash problem is going to persist, cause is really frustrating playing like this. Thank you for your attention. Darth.
  2. Recently, on a bid made for @Gypsie messageI received a mencion from @Logan and I am a little bit shocked so please I need to discuss this or to recive an explanation of why this stuff is allowed. The seller wrote this in his post: -I reserve the rights to cancel the auction if i am not satisfied with the price. I wrote this: -I start. (I reserve the right to cancel the offer if I change my mind.) @Logan wrote this wrote this: "@DarthGuindillit You have no right to cancel your offer, do not spread lies and misleads about the rules, cause next time you will receive a punishment. " So, apparently, when you make an auction and you choose the starting offer, you can cancel the auction if you don't get the price u like, isn't it? But, as a buyer, you can't cancel the offer (like the seller do if he want) if you find something that suits more? I think is really really really unfair that the seller can cancel the auction "if he is not satisfied with the price", cause starting price is made for you to like it (since you already choose it!). Figure out that I am saving some money for a Poké, not buying other ones cause I already bid on one, and then the seller decides "that the price he already choose is not fitting him", so I lost all the Pokés. I think that no one should can cancel anything, if u make an auction, you already choose and s.o which is supposed the min cash u want to earn; and if you offered something on a bid, you shouldn't can cancel the offer u made. But if you allow people to cancel their bids just cause they want, you should allow too to cancel the offers; just to be fair to everyone. What doe the rest of PRO community think? are you agreed with this politics where seller can cancel the auction if they want but buyers can cancel the offer in the same case? Can any MG clear this out?
  3. I start. (I reserve the right to cancel the offer if I change my mind.)
  4. Yes, my nickname ig is the same as here. Lets try tomorrow morning :)
  5. I want pink adamant oddish, contact me in game :)
  6. Time is over, @Yakuzah won. Pm me when u are online :D
  7. Countdown is started, finish in 3 days from the moment you posted.
  8. - Start bid: 900k - Min raise bid: 200k - Insta price: 2.5m - Auction will end in 3 days from first offer -I dont like this, but I go with the crowd, so I reserve the right to cancel the auction if I am not satisfied with the final offer - Off-topic comments or fake offers will lead to report. Please, reserve your opinion to yourself and bid consequently. Countdown time
  9. - Start bid: 1.2m - Min raise bid: 200k - Insta price: 2.2m - Auction will end in 3 days from first offer -I dont like this, but I go with the crowd, so I reserve the right to cancel the auction if I am not satisfied with the final offer - Off-topic comments or fake offers will lead to report. Please, reserve your opinion to yourself and bid consequently.
  10. I got 1148 hours played, 6m750k in cash, and a shiny collection which can worth 50m more or less. I don't care about losing 20k, I just don't think is fair that cause of a bug on your game (and the game got bugs many times) , I lost a thing that was mine. I don't care about 20k, is just want my stuff back. Today was just a macho brace, but tomorrow can be a choice scarf or a shiny poke. Obviously I don't have ss that I had 3 macho braces, cause I didn't expect that evolving a poke the item equiped would to have dissapeared. What do you expect? You expect me to have ss of all my stuff (and refresh it every 2-3 days) just in case you have a bug in your game and I lost my stuff? If you don't want to give me back my macho brace, at least please check the bug, cause is a real bug and could happen again.
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