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About Klutzy069

  • Birthday 11/16/1995

Personal Information

  • Discord
  • Career
    Pokemon Master
  • Gender
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Pokemon Master

Klutzy069's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I actually thought Johto was the easiest by far. I chose totodile as my starter. Then from there i caught and evolved a zubat into crobat and caught a vulpix and evolved it into a ninetails. I used those 3 to sweep the whole region (besides elite 4) and it was by far the easiest experience I've had with all the regions. They all ended up at level 67 so stop bitching about leveling being to hard when all you need to do is level thru all the trainers you fight. They give you a lot of exp points so it shouldn't be hard.
  2. hi there and good luck!
  3. Well good luck re-battling the elite 4 and have fun!
  4. Well new items came out such as the "Elemental Cloaks/Hoods" I also believe new hats came out as well such as the caterpie and another one as well. A costume for the caterpie hat also came out You can now have back items such as wings For wings i believe all we have so far are Volcarona wings which you can get at the Bug Catching Area. Fixed spawns for rare Pokemon I might be missing some things but I think that's about it when it comes to the client update. Enjoy!
  5. Welcome! Also if you don't know the Sinnoh region is also coming out very soon so watch out for that as well :D.
  6. Tbh this was just unlucky timing. But does this mean you are stuck? If so, one of the admins should be able to help you. But concerning you moving on it seems like you would have to fight the elite 4 again (which sucks but oh well).
  7. What most people did to fix this was just simply re-logging. If that doesn't work then someone like Red or Shaui should be able to help you :D .
  8. whats wrong with naked sprites?
  9. You make me regret taking charmander
  10. Join Blue server ;)
  11. Selling for 350k On around 2 - 7 central time
  12. wts 350k On around 2 - 7 central time
  13. wts - 650k Central Time Im usually on around 2-7 pm.
  14. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>YO PREHAX U KNOW ME FROM THE DISCORD SERVER FAM.<br/> <br/> I am from blue server(best server their is)<br/> IGN is Klutzy069 like my forum name.</t>
  15. Hey there Klutzy069! I am sorry to hear that you have experienced this inconvenience. Have you tried to follow all of the steps as shown on this ? :) OH LOL. I didn't know i was trying to enter the wrong place. I even tried asking people about it too so i just thought I was glitched. Thanks Shaui!
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