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Everything posted by Zild13

  1. S.o: 100k min bid: 50k insta: no end: 48 hours after first bid
  2. .
  3. -
  4. Im on
  5. 351k
  6. Wtb all trash event-shiny 20k each
  7. Start s2
  8. thnx!! you can close this post
  9. hello please help me i want unevolve poke I evolved the pokemon and when I went to make a move I could not because he wants me to have the previous form
  10. pm your price
  11. U won.give me your discord for the trade when u can
  12. Already got that before u
  13. Up
  14. up
  15. S.o 500k Min bid 100k Insta 5m Duration : 48h from first bid Accept payment: cash cc ( 400k) https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20220418T151320&p0=26&font=cursive&csz=1
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