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Everything posted by Immimo

  1. sold magnezone
  2. These last days I was selling my pokemons and inadvertently sent someone to battle while I moved in cerulean cave the person accepted and disconnected me since I was not going to waste my time doing a battle that I did not want, when I reconnected they removed 1m of my inventory
  3. Sold ferrothorn and new RULE ADD
  4. okay im online ^^
  5. sold rotom 500k
  6. okay i go online now ^^
  7. sold garch million apart
  8. NEW MODE PAY ADDED ! torterra sold <3
  9. im online pm in game
  10. sold garchomp 800k 31 speed
  11. sold already srry :S
  12. sold carefull 10 atack snorlax and garch h.a impish 300k(the price) <3
  13. yes pm in game ^^
  14. all lvl 100 no evs trained finish evs wait for upload now ! <3
  15. tyranitar sassy +21 sold
  16. combux part / gliscor sold
  17. gengar finish trained and sold ^^
  18. 650k right now is with my daycare is preparing all the pokes if you would like to buy it I can ask you to finish it before
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