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Everything posted by Immimo

  1. no i cant srry
  2. sold volcarona
  3. srry pm when you are online
  4. sold excadrill
  5. yeah bro pm when you are online
  6. sold lucario timid +20
  7. sold volcarona 250k
  8. sold omastar
  9. aggron sold
  10. finish action winner is alexandre7 700k ty and can close
  11. ty bump and 600k b.o
  12. I had an error when putting the end time if you notice that it puts 3 days after starting
  13. sold excadrill digger scolipede alakazam syc and pangoro
  14. BUMP B.O 500k by progolden
  15. S.O - 400k MIN BID - 100k INSTA 3M Accepting - Pokedollars CC (400k) iv reroll 720k nature 360k Auction ends in 3 days from start. Spain timetable Finish: 10/23/2021 10:53 AM
  16. time over the winner is @OtCCaveMan congrats
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