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Everything posted by Kboww

  1. Sure im online right now can you shoot me a message
  2. wts for bundle deal for 3m or for individual price -> 1m 1m 1m 500k
  3. 1.3m
  4. 1.1m
  5. Hey I won't be around for a while can u shoot me a msg on discord my name is kboww on there as well
  6. Little over 6 hours remaining
  7. Sold to idkup for 950k
  8. both of you shoot me a message on discord - kboww
  9. 8m or trading for an epic careful wooloo/dubwool
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  10. s sorry both of you ive been away from the game, message me on discord - kboww when u are available next times and i can hop on, sorry for the waits
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