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Everything posted by Xelore

  1. Xelore

    Route 130

    Route 130, next to the NPC 'Hiker Buffet'.
  2. What's up, Vickman! Welcome to PRO! Hit me up in-game if you need any help or if you just wanna chat ^_^
  3. Close, please.
  4. Greetings. In the Lilycove Department Store Elevator there are two tiles to exit the elevator, but the right one doesn't work. Only the left one of the two tiles lets you exit the elevator.
  5. Ch0riz0rd https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=344869#p344869
  6. Regular Charizard Mount, looking for offers. Xelore.
  7. Hey! *queue Mad World by Gary Jules* Sitting here, chatting with my guildies. If only we had a cool place to chill, chat and trade at, am I right? I mean, we could sit inside a Pokemon Center, but they're always all the same, filled with strangers. *queue Back in Black by AC/DC* No worries, here's the solution! Guild Houses! Have there be sellable properties around the maps! Customizable properties that could be owned by either guilds or players. Carpets, tables, stuffed toys; the possibilities are ENDLESS! Perhaps even upgradeable to a house that can host trades or even PKMN healing? The possibilities are truly endless! *initiate Trump's accent* Make Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald great again! Our guild house is going to be the best house. It really is. Look at China, their guild houses won't be as good as ours. We'll build a wall out of tables. It's gonna be a great wall, the best wall there is. TL;DR - Guys, I think it would be a nifty idea to have houses. Whether they could be tradeable/sellable properties isn't the main point for having one, even though it would add an interesting spin to the economy. I'm sure many guilds/players would love a customizable house, similiar to the tree houses in Pokemon R/S/E Your friendly neighbourhood skrub, Xelore.
  8. Heya! Still only sitting in Kanto, new to PRO. Grew up with Pokemon and absolutely loving the nostalgia from playing this game. Honestly, since I'm new to the game (20 - ish hours) and have almost no PVP Skills, I'm not that good of an addition, I know. :( Just looking for friendly people to chat and make friends with ^_^ I'm a quick learner and definitely gonna get into PVP'ing and training my Pokemon once I'm done with the story.
  9. G'day to everyone. I'm like 20 hours or so deep in the game. By far the coolest Pokemon 'fan-made' game I've played, absolutely loving it. I pretty much grew up in Kanto :D Those good ol' Gen 1 Pokemon. The newer generations are a complete mess for me :D Can't wait to get farther in the game and make friends and find a guild. ^_^
  10. I know Butterfree learns Confusion at Lv. 10 upon evolution, but I accidentally leveled my Caterpie from 6 to 10, which resulted in me evolving my Caterpie into a Metapod and only evolved into Butterfree at Lv. 11. Now my Butterfree doesn't have Confusion. Is there a way to go around this without catching another Caterpie and evolving another Butterfree at Lv. 10 in order to get Confusion?
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