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Everything posted by Heiii

  1. :heart:
  2. Hello guys im looking for friendly, competitive and active guild
  3. Heiii

    trapping pokes

    Mean look effect will gone if you switch to other pokes. And no arena trap does not trap fly pokemon o levitate if im correct, also if you swith the trap will gone
  4. Heiii

    trapping pokes

    Yes trapping them is allowed but dont use shadow tag ability pokemon it is banned in ranked. Just use arena trap i guess dugtrio have the ability. Ps: i dont have idea in mean look, can you explain how it is bugged
  5. 1. Yes I can 2. I'm a pvp player so I can contribute some points when i start pvp 3. Yes 4. I really dont have favorite pokemon, but I always use blissey in pvp 5. I currently have 1 badge right now and i forgot my playtime sorry. Im from other server btw looking for active guild
  6. Hey guys im looking for guild in blue server that accepting new players like me
  7. Hi everyone! Hei from blue server :3
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