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  1. The issue is I cant even login, the game just doesnt start for me, it just gets the loading icon on the mouse cursor for 3 seconds and thats it, nothing happens after edit: resolved it, downloaded it on another pc and put it on a usb stick, now it works
  2. yes I have and it was running perfectly fine just before the newest client update, dont think requirements changed :)
  3. Did everything you asked me to do and I still have the same issue.
  4. Cant log in after recent client update, deleted everything and redownloaded it, doesnt work, any suggestions? Like the game.exe doesnt even start
  5. Nvm you can close it, figured it out
  6. Or is it because I may have seen Jirachi earlier?
  7. I have been trying to go for the Jirachi Quest, I do meet all requirements, but for some reason I can not start the latios/latias part of the quest, Is it because I have seen latias earlier in a boss battle?
  8. So will Darkrai continue to be on the banned list? even tho it has a base stat total of 600?
  9. still not working, fixxed for other games though, is there a way to reset the settings of the exe . like kind of resolution it is starting with? would probably solve my issue Edit: game running everything blacked out tho, suggestions? like any at all? :)
  10. "I see; after a quick google search, it seems that it most likely come from a screen resolution issue or DirectX issue." That is was my google search come out as well, I literally followed every single step to clear it up provided by the links you posted, before I opened the thread I searched the forum for solutions, yet still not working :D Might as well be a Issue due to my grafic card, gonna check thanks for the help :)
  11. deleted all past versions I had, deleted new one, repeated shortcuts etc started from scratch, basically still the same issue that the exe isnt even starting checked everything that is suggested still doesn't start, may be a problem on my end but I have no fkn clue what it could be, Im open for tips :( "Failed to create the D3D9 Device! This can happen if the desktop is locked. Exitting" comes up when I try to open another game
  12. Since yesterday my game exe won't even start, old one still does new one doesn't even flinch when tried to be opened, any recommendations´? Tried reinstalling. downloading another mirror, downloading the 32x version, allowing the app in the windows fire wall, creating a shortcut, game still wont start, Id really love to play again :-x
  13. Even though clearly stated as online on the official status page, 0 people are online, so is the server really online?
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