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About Sirmeliodas

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I never thought it worked either. I always have one on and never seem to get HA
  2. Why would you ban any pokemon from pvp that is available to everyone in game? Are pvp players really that sweaty? It really sucks for the people who have good luck and get a good gensect or darkrai because the people who get bad nature/iv want them banned.
  3. I need this list of pokes all can be trash. My offer is Paying with 2 coin caps or roughly 800k for anyone who wants to gather this list. May negotiate some on price for more/less depending on how many. Need roughly 69 total. So thats a little over 10k per trash poke. Sandshrew Zubat Oddish Venonat Mankey Geodude Ponyta Crabby Exeggcute Goldeen Mime jr Toadadile Pichu Chinchou Poliwhirl Wooper Slowpoke Mantyke Porygon Torchick Poochena Wurmple male and female Tallow Skitty Spoink Swable Barbroach Shupuppet Chimecho Clampearl Chimchar Turtwig Kricktok Drifloon Buneary Murkrow Stunky Hillopotas Croagunk Eletrobuzz Magmar Porygon Ralts Tepig Oshwhatt Herdier Lilpup Munna Pidove Blitzle Roggenrolla Petlil Sandlile Darmaka Trubbish Solosiss Karrablast Cryogonal Tauros Vullaby Durant Chespin Bunnelby Litleo Furfrou Swirlx Inkay Skrelp Hawlucha Dedenne Klefki
  4. Re: Zetsu <t>Same thing happened to me just now. Went to battle for the 2nd time didnt even put me in the battle just gave me a loss</t>
  5. Well shoot
  6. I attemped to do the jirachi quest today and when I click the shiny rock It was not teleporting me. I have: 295 playercard hours, All seen data for kanto, johto, hoenn (other than ho-oh) and 215 evos. Birch says I have: 219 hoenn hours, 709 seen,578 caught, 124 native caught, 135 seen. I have seen data but not caught celabi also. I meet all the requirements on the fourms guides But its not working. Help! Thanks.
  7. Re: Petalburg woods maze gone? <t>Ahhh dumb me comfused the 2 mazes. I was looking up in the viridian maze spot. Sorrry!</t>
  8. Post closed
  9. Title^ The new boss in bittersweet
  10. Not a Bug. Keep looking Lol
  11. Not a Bug. Keep looking Lol
  12. I guess i missed that. I was reading the main halloween post and asking people In game.
  13. Am i missing something or is the halloween event just a special pikachu and a 25 coin clothes box?
  14. Purple screen solved yet?? <t>Has the purple screen issue for mac users been solved??<br/> <br/> I tried deleting files and redownloading, my mac is all updated. I play just fine before the update (bout 300 hrs on the mac). Im just trying to play. Thanks.</t>
  15. What is high sierra?
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