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Everything posted by Sirmeliodas

  1. [glow=red]Welcome! [/glow] This is my little shop, Some decent IV pokes, maybe some rares. Im running off of decent offers and no I'm not going to be a jerk if you lowball me. Just lemme know what you would give me for what I have and If i don't like ill work with you! you can pm me in game or contact on forums! [shadow=blue]The Pokemon:[/shadow]
  2. I think i saw a post that said you couldnt use on him
  3. I didnt know they were in pvp shop oops.
  4. I won a master ball yesterday at the bug contest. So which poke should I save it for??
  5. Where do I start this "event move quest" needed for the george boss? Cannot find a guide on here.
  6. Looking for some epic/gody pvp pokes. Bisharp, clefable, talonflame, ect. No junk. Can pay in cash or coins!
  7. Ign: SirMeliodas Hours played: 202+ I am a daily player, pvp, excavations, bug contests, and alway on the hunt for epics. Ive killed every boss i have the time requirement for (yes even the sevii Island 2 boss) Just looking for a good guild to join up with.
  8. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <t>Hours of played?: 202<br/> Favorite pokemon and why? : My absol, Crit build and it does work!<br/> Are you able to visit our discord server? yes<br/> sirmeliodas #3145<br/> Why should we accept you to our guild? Because Im a daily player. And would like to be in a decent group!</t>
  9. I always build my team per the boss im fighting. I make sure i have one effective poke for each of his. I beat the pc boss on sevii island last night with a noivern, venasaur, frosslass, tyrannitar, lucario, and cloyster. And imo he is hardest in game. Its not as much as building a "boss" team but building a team for each boss that can win. Like for morty, my crit build absol 1hit 4 of the pokes. Then the last 2 were easy.
  10. Ill agree to this. It isnt a "pay to win".
  11. Comment on here price ans stats and when i get off work this evening and ill add you in game
  12. Yesterday after the bug catching contest i checked the cooldown and it said 48 hours. Same thing happened when i checked mirage island. It wasnt there so I talked to him again and he said check back in 47 hours. usually they are just 24 hours. Is this common or did both glitch in the same day? ** if it matters, i got last place in the contest because the loading screen glitched and froze and i had to force quit pro and log back in and it spawned me in the scoring area with no caught pokes.
  13. Would be nice if we could have a pc box update. Make the pc more like the original games. It Would be nice if we could chose to sort them all at once according to level instead of just sorting each individual box by itself. Or have a sort option for types. Adding a favorites option would Be nice. Just something to make the pc bank easier to use. If you drag a poke in the pc it would be nice to place it where you want it instead of sticking it in the last box every time.
  14. I vote keep them rare! Dont nerf requirements. Im only at 100 evos but im glad they wont be "easily" accessible. Makes them worth more!
  15. Hello, im new to the bug catching contest. What are some tip to reach 1st place? I saw the scoring guide, but can you level up a poke you catch while in the contest? And is false swipe reccomended or a sync? Any other tips would be appriciated.
  16. I was just booted out of game and cant reconnect. Crash or an update?
  17. What all is their to do here after e4? I see there is no bosses here.
  18. Hello. Im a little new to the game, i have 140+ hours, ive beat the first three regions and working on sinnoh now. I play about every day or every other, Just looking to join some a active players!
  19. Is there a big update or something? Says server locked
  20. close. I got it working fine tethering from my iPhone, thanks!
  21. I also tried leaving the loading screen up for 30-35mins and it never loaded.
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