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Everything posted by Byakuya1501

  1. I would prefer to be able to change nature on my legendaries XD re-rolling IV could become a double-edge sword...would be cool but also dangerous on PvP field.
  2. wts Dragonite adamant multiscale...start bid 150k ( 3 days duration )...instabuy 350k
  3. Perfetto allora attendiamo un tuo PM ^.^ Gastly READY...ci becchiamo domani per il TRADE.
  4. When u are online please send me a PM cause I finished training your Larvitar ^.^
  5. Perfetto allora attendiamo un tuo PM ^.^
  6. sono online ora se ti serve ancora :)
  7. Pm me in game man
  8. Hello everyone...I deleted 100+ Pomeg Berries by mistake...but unluckily when you delete items from bag there are no proof in chat :( is there any solution?
  9. We are happy when our customers are satisfied...hope to see you again man ^.^ and we LOVE your Gekkouga XD
  10. I wanna offer 120k for the Gyarados instead of 150k...is it ok for you? :)
  11. Hello :) I forgot to evolve my QUILAVA into TYPHLOSION at lvl100...cause my brain usually autoclick NO on evolve window ahah Now my Quilava is stuck at lvl100...can I have my Typhlosion please? I hope you will help me I forgot to say I play on Blue Server and my GMT +1...I usually play between 9pm and 4am (GMT+1). Ty in advance for any help you will give me. I am loggin in right now if anyone is online to contact me and help me.
  12. Can you add me in game? cause Idk how to add someone without seeing the name in chat XD I am interested to buy a Magmarizer...
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