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Posts posted by Exclusivez

  1. Username: Exclusivez

    Server: Gold

    Season you were Top25/Screenshot of your current rating: Currently at 450 rating(many ladder finishes)

    Your voting: Yes

    Your reasoning: Doesn't really seem to be any reason to ban them. They are really only useable by Hawlucha at the moment. I say we allow them. If something gets introduced later on that makes them overpowered (certain pokes ECT) we can revisit gems later. For now I say they are fine and no harm to the PvP environment.

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  2. Hello,


    Can you get my slurpuff from my friend? He was going to do my ev training for it but he doesnt have sinnoh unlocked lol. I talked with him on stream about it so there isnt really a screenshot. I could link the vod here if you would like? Just let me know


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  3. IGN: Exclusivez

    Current rating:400 ( I will finish ladder :D)

    Season you were on ladder: Many seasons finished in top 25

    Vote: Keep the rule

    Reason: If there is going to be incentives added for making ladder/guild ladder ( trophies ect), why would people be able to create 4 accounts. That makes no sense to me. I dont see the point at all. If you want to test a team ask a friend/guildmate to do a battle with you. Or test it on showdown, or test it in the beginning of the season where the points dont actually matter. This will skew all guild ladder ratings and force "new" or inexperienced players OUT of top guilds because the guilds will be FULL OF ALT ACCOUNTS. Instead of 100 unique players, there will only be 25. Very toxic IMO.

    And of course, there would be so much boosting. If someone is on their alt account and "just so happen" to match against a guildmate who is on their MAIN accout, of course the alt account is just going to give them a free win. There will be way too much boosting. Very bad idea

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