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Everything posted by Exclusivez

  1. start
  2. Clear smog is currently working on steel types even though it's not supposed to. It's not doing any damage, however the stat change elimination is still happening. I have tested this with Lucario and Excadril. Both times the move did no damage, but it removed swords dance +2, +4 and +6.
  3. Wtb EPIC Careful Excadrill, Impish or Bold Mandibuzz, careful gliscor, ada dragonite. High budget. Pm me here or in game @ Exclusivez
  4. Re: Wts Dragonite h.a 30-29-31 <t>1,1m from me</t>
  5. Re: WTS EPIC/GODLY POKEMONS!! <t>start clef</t>
  6. You won Jolteon, are you in our Shop Discord Server? ty. I am not. Message me here or discord when you are online :D
  7. Re: Some auctions about GOD POKEMON (Maybe best server) <t>Start sableye</t>
  8. Start Poli
  9. Start Jolteon :3 How much can I start infernape for?
  10. Re: WTS EPIC BISHARP <t>Start :3</t>
  11. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>3.85m :D</t>
  12. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>3.75m hyd :)</t>
  13. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>3.5m hydreigon</t>
  14. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>3.2m hydreigon :D</t>
  15. Re: Selling Epic Gyarados, Gallade, Conkeldurr and Tangrowth <t>start gallade :D</t>
  16. PRO Username: Exclusivez Pokemon Showdown username: Exclusivez
  17. Re: Epic Ferrothorn <t>1.2m :D</t>
  18. Re: Epic Ferroseed <t>650k :( gl man :D</t>
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