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Everything posted by Exclusivez

  1. Re: Epic Ferroseed <t>500k :D</t>
  2. Ok I will be on soon :D
  3. Wtb epic Jolly Intimidate Gyarados, Impish Hippowdon, and epic hydreigon(prefer navie or naive) PM me here, in game (Exclusivez) or on discord Exclusive#5815 Thank You :3
  4. I got outbid on cloyster?? Why didnt you say something man..
  5. Update with ralts :3
  6. WHY are people commenting. Its his poke, he said he will take best offer HE FEELS LIKE. Pay the 10m or get off post???
  7. Re: One of most epic Lax ! <t>insta ty :D</t>
  8. Wtb Bisharp. Ada Defiant. Please link here or contact me on game. IGN:Exclusivez I have a high budget so link me good ones please :)
  9. Re: Epic H.A Crawdaunt <t>550k :D</t>
  10. Re: [NPC Request Event] Santa Claus is Coming to Town! <t>NPC Name: Exclusivez<br/> Dialogue: Can pokemon only say their name? Or are they named after the only thing they can say?<br/> Special Request (If any):</t>
  11. I'll have to check some of these out! For me its definitely Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. Right in the feeelsss
  12. But you never sold me sableye :9 Seee ya later friend
  13. Re: WTS Epic Bisharp <t>How long will the bid last?</t>
  14. I want the naive one ;)
  15. Re: 3 Ferrothorns <t>Can I start first one 750k?</t>
  16. Thats a no from me. If I wanted team viewer I would just play showdown or a handheld
  17. Re: Wts epic GLISCOR h.a. <t>650 :D</t>
  18. Re: Wts epic GLISCOR h.a. <t>Start :D</t>
  19. Re: wts epic bold hydration goodra <t>425k :D</t>
  20. Re: wts epic bold hydration goodra <t>Start!</t>
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