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  1. I kinda agree with u Protect doesnt even work properly Why ban arena trap dugtrio...if u cant ban magnet pull magnezone Sometimes will o wisp misses like 4 to 5 times in a row
  2. Starting bid 600k Insta 1m 3days
  3. please price check this...thank u
  4. Hey there.... I would to change my name Server : blue Current name : paulsinnoh New name : paul72
  5. I released my darkrai after reroll but before nature reroll i think....i dont know if it will be applicable or not but still..... Username-> paulsinnoh Server-> blue Legendary->darkrai
  6. What is your Discord tag? -> Paul 72#8474 How often do you use Discord? -> Almost everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? -> not active on pro's discord that much but bot commands are really useful on pro's discord....so it will be pretty much handful if u can make more bot commands xd
  7. How often do i
  8. [mod=Letrix]DISQUALIFIED FOR COPYING ANSWERS[/mod] Smartest: Wannes Friendliest:Icatchferalcats Funniest:ImPoppy Coolest: Otherrr Comeback Player of the Year: Most Talkative: ImPoppy Most Trustworthy: Icatchferalcats Most Helpful: Icatchferalcats and ImPoppy Most Missed: Most Influential:ImPoppy Most Intriguing: STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Suhuzen Best CC: Shary Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Naero Best Artist: sirmeowington Best Mapper:Druz Most Professional Staff: Suhuze Most Friendly Staff: Neroli Most Dedicated Staff: Arko Most Honorable Former Staff: Suhuzen
  9. Hey there Paulsinnoh! I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this inconvenience. Have you tried following all of the steps as listed in this Kanto Walktrough? You can also find more specific information about the Celadon Rocket Hideout as well as pictures of the locations of the machines on this guide. Please try to search all of the machines again to see if you can find the eevee. Feel free to reply if you need any additional assistance, or if you find eevee :) Just found it....thank u so much for the help And sorry for the inconvenience ....i didnt check the 1 of 5 receptors.... Thank u again
  10. Hey there Paulsinnoh! I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this inconvenience. Have you tried following all of the steps as listed in this Kanto Walktrough? You can also find more specific information about the Celadon Rocket Hideout as well as pictures of the locations of the machines on this guide. Please try to search all of the machines again to see if you can find the eevee. Feel free to reply if you need any additional assistance, or if you find eevee :) I checked all the receptors...and also watched the walkthrough.... I done it 4 to 5 times from yesterday.... I dont know wht to do now.... Plz help me
  11. hours ago Hey there guys... Im stuck in the celedon city After defeating givonni and getting passwords...i checked both receptors (not sure i got evolved evee...i.e. Espeon back or not) Then i talked to police officer...he says to find his evee.... I checked all the receptors again...but they were empty So now i cant go in the 4th gym cz team rocket member blocking the path... Is this a bug ???
  12. Hey there guys... Im stuck in the celedon city After defeating givonni and getting passwords...i checked both receptors (not sure i got evolved evee...i.e. Espeon back or not) Then i talked to police officer...he says to find his evee.... I checked all the receptors again...but they were empty So now i cant go in the 4th gym cz team rocket member blocking the path... Is this a bug ???
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