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  1. Hi asceia~ how to join yellow discord?
  2. call youself an admin wit not so great attitude. stay high learn to have a noble heart n be humble. others in your guild maybe is friendly but not you.
  3. does that even give up to start thing all over? to learn from the basic? tell me how to not give up if i don learn it back from basic? you can reject me, i knw i dont meet requirement. i post in ur post because i thought i might meet some helpful people but instantly spoiled. what do u mean by tons? i put 2 post. i dont know you concern so much in that which i felt over sensitive or i call over react. mainly reason? i dont see u write that in ur first post, u jus over think urself is 2nd choice.. those answer are from yourself. for the sake of guild exp? i dont even knw that, i got exp ms + exp bonus wit me myself. why did ur mind so negative? jus a simple purpose to get guidance n assist. and you could think so much of negativity. play wit more fren is better than alone. not because of your exp bonus. feel shame how you react.
  4. wow. i think u r way too sensitive with that. 2nd choice? i jus looking for guild list in yellow.. not as friendly as i saw u listed in ur post. ewwww..
  5. 1. What is your current play time? i might not have 100 hour yet. since i jus make a comeback. i player blue server last year for 3month then i left the game due to work, when i try to join back the server. i feel like i don knw that to do anymore hahaha.. thats y i gonna start again in yellow server n redo everything. 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3 Poke Hunting, need guide for pvp 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO I love both 4. What are your goals in pro? Find the perfect stat for my dream poke 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3 Learn from experience player Game will be more fun if play wit frens get to know ppl around the globe^^
  6. ign Prandy from yellow server wanted to join guild / discord active & friendly player looking for guide / price check assist from guild
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