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  1. Pinkan Island Forest map is missing spawns in the water.
  2. In-Game Name: Giovanni Discord Tag:Lentz#4306 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Pretty often. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Please redo the rewards for the Celadon daily hunt they are very terrible at the moment.
  3. Re: Easter "Painted" Pokemon Concept -not official- <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="374170" time="1492103084" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> I'll get right on it(Once I'm done with homework)</r>
  4. Re: Easter "Painted" Pokemon Concept -not official- <t>I'm open to suggestions for other pokemon to paint :)</t>
  5. Back Story: On Easter island the settlers in the pokemon world would traditionally paint pokemon using dyes from berries. Little did they know, painting these pokemon with the dyes would have an effect on how they look throughout their whole evolution cycle. Easter Pokemon [glow=blue]Togepi [/glow] [glow=blue]Togetic[/glow] [glow=blue]Togekiss[/glow] [glow=green]Voltorb[/glow] [glow=green]Electrode[/glow] [glow=yellow]Shuckle[/glow] Other Pokemon [glow=purple]Snorunt[/glow] [glow=purple]Glalie[/glow] [glow=purple]Froslass[/glow]
  6. A comment. Jk good work.
  7. Maybe a special hat?
  8. Hate to throw it out there like this, but that would make it easier to bot. People could bot grind their pokes to level 100 buy that item and "fix" their problem. People should pay more attention and be more cautious and they wouldn't make mistakes like that.
  9. As cool as that would be, what makes a youtuber so special that they should get a special rank? Anyone can make a youtube channel.
  10. Completely unfair.
  11. They won them fair and square.
  12. My happy medium was simple and has a few options. Option 1: Staff pokemon are no longer hand picked ivs if they are going to be used in RANKED pvp(this does NOT include tournement winners.) Option 2: If a staff member wants a godly iv pokemon it can't be used in ranked battles. "But giovanni you don't pvp." It is completely unfair whether you worked 6 months for a reward or not to use a pokemon you chose with ivs (usually all above 28) against people who don't get to choose their ivs. It's a simple matter of fairness. And to answer your question it doesn't matter who played against a staff and lost or won. An unfair thing is an unfair thing. Claiming thay we are suggesting something that is completely anti-staff is rediculous. I worked hard for a year and a half to help even get the game to a playable state and as many times in this thread I've stated this WILL affect me too. I never once mentioned Tournement winners losing their ability to use the pokemon they won, they won it fair and square without the help of chosen ivs. I don't have "low based knowledge of it and demands a change that affects people who worked real hard for something."(since I was once staff and ironically also has a staff reward) and that is why I made this suggestion thread based on complaints I had been seeing anywhere. I thought maybe because I used to be staff and I actually know about the policies for the staff reward that maybe the community would be heard instead of ignored and locked. Whether you decide to make change or not is up to you just remember that it is a matter that could possibly affect the way the community looks at staff.
  13. Legendary Pokemon were given to players as a reward for tournaments. (Entei for example) Do you want those banned too? Those players worked hard to receive those rewards. Taking advantage of the masses to jump on your bandwagon without giving them the full picture is also uneducated and you should also consider the fact that you haven't presented or acknowledged any counter arguments. To everyone who doesn't know already, this user is using a tactic known in literature and writing known as "fallacies". It is wise to always do your own research to ensure you do not fall into biased pitfalls. It should also be asked. why is this user no longer staff? No by all means they should be able to keep their pokemon and use them. The IVs on those pokemon ARE random, not selected by the person who has it. Also, I am no longer staff due to having to focus on my education, thanks for the concern though.
  14. 0 (excluding tournament winners) he doesn't even pvp so all the top players are without the legenderys and they all have such a big win ratio??? this game is broken!! how can you play it? please give everyone a legendary that's all they want...seriously this post is the same as the ones where people complane how its unfair that you can't catch a legendarys in the game.. pure jealousy nothing more... and as i can see people are dealing just fine against legendarys on the ladder... 0 legendarys on top 25 players Clearly you didn't read the post as I also have said that this does affect me too. Certainly not Jealousy.
  15. The reasoning in this topic is that staff pokes give an unfair advantage and you shouldnt have to beat them if i understood correctly. That's why i gave my opinion on why they dont give any unfair advantage presenting examples and counters. Stating that they give an unfair advantage..but you provided 0 reasons to support this opinion -_- . They are op? they don't have counters? that's what my initial post answered to. You can call it ''unfair'' even without providing any real reasons or you can enjoy a nice challenge and try to outplay these pokemon (even though they dont even need to be outplayed to kill them). Lol in the end it's a pokemon game. Some people spend their time to make it better every day, so let them have a bit fun with their pokes. This is my staff pokemon. The IVS are not random it is what I chose for them. Therefore it is an unfair advantage.
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