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Everything posted by Cattybandit

  1. hi i am free for like 5 hours today
  2. Heracross S.O 1m Min Bid 100k Duration 48 hours after starting offer is met Accepted Payments: CC 490k and Pokedollars. Munna S.O 650k Min Bid 50k Duration 48 hours after starting offer is met Accepted Payments: CC 490k and Pokedollars. Swellow S.O 100k Min Bid 50k Duration 48 hours after starting offer is met Accepted Payments: CC 490k and Pokedollars.
  3. Hi i am fee currently for around 10 hours or so.
  4. When are you free to meet? i cant really meet today but i am free all of tomorrow. My timezone is GMT+0 for reference
  5. Hi can you do 385?
  6. bump
  7. Ill be available in maybe like 5 hours if that suits? if not im free the while of tomorrow
  8. @Dragon4esir @Hirancito both your bids was too late. @Hirancito you bid exactly 48hrs after start so bid isnt valid since forums is to the minute. @Yboutj you won with 1.025m, ill be available for trade in a few hours
  9. bump approx 40 mins left
  10. S.O 650k (Larvitar) Min bid 25k Duration of 48 hours after starting offer is met Accept cc 470k
  11. c
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