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Everything posted by Kronosacx

  1. [glow=black]Added:LvL 100 Trained Ampharos[/glow]
  2. Re: Kronos Shop (Pokemons,Synchros and Items) <r><QUOTE author="KronosACX"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  3. Re: Kronos Shop (Pokemons,Synchros and Items) <r><GLOW glow="black"><s>[glow=black]</s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>Added:Jolly Synchronize<br/> Added:Modest Synchronize<e></e></SIZE><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  4. Re: Kronos Shop (Pokemons and Items) <r><SIZE size="150"><s></s><GLOW glow="black"><s>[glow=black]</s>Added:x9 Metal Coat<br/> Added:x5 Hard Stone<br/> Added:x4 King Rock<br/> Added:x5 Dawn Stone<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE></r>
  5. Re: Kronos Shop (Pokemons and Items) <r><SIZE size="150"><s></s><GLOW glow="black"><s>[glow=black]</s>Added:Lvl 100 Trained Breloom<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE></r>
  6. Re: Kronos Shop (More Pokemons soon) <r><QUOTE author="halvoure"><s> </e></QUOTE> Only sceptile for now =)</r>
  7. [/glow] [/glow] [/glow] [/glow] [/glow] [/glow] [/glow][/size] [/glow][/size] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Visit My Shop [glow=red]Offer[/glow] [glow=red]Houndoom[/glow][glow=red][/glow][/glow]
  9. yes it is consumable :Frown: :Shocked: :Frown:
  10. Is focus sash consumable? If is thats not a fair price at all
  11. My first shiny was a venonat and i started screaming and laughing, and my 4 shiny was a machop and then the server crashed :Frown:
  12. Boa sorte aí com a guilda :Grin:
  13. Vc tem q ir em Saffron City e numa das casas estão duas pessoas uma é o guild master eu acho, e a outra e o guild logo eu acho e vc fala c uma delas e paga 400k n sei se baixou o preço e vc cria a guilda.
  14. [glow=purple]Kronos Shop[/glow] [glow=purple]Starting Now[/glow] [glow=purple]Current Pokemons:3[/glow] [glow=red]↓↓Make your offers here↓↓[/glow] [glow=purple]PvP Ready[/glow] [glow=Purple]Sharpedo SOLD[/glow][glow=purple]Houndoom SOLD[/glow] [glow=purple]Not Lvl100[/glow] [glow=purple]Dratini[/glow] [glow=purple]Items[/glow] [glow=Purple]Metal Coat x5=15k each[/glow] [glow=Purple]Dawn Stone X5=20k each[/glow]
  15. Bleach,Ansatsu Kyoushitsu , and god eater
  16. I agree with you too, but i don't think using bikes in the stop houses is necessary.
  17. Oh,Ok i didn't knew about that.Thank you :y:
  18. I'd like to have a marketplace on pro. Instead of spaming ''Sell epic pokemon pm me'' on trade chat you could let your pokemons in the market place and then if someone bought it you just click in a confirm button and you receive your money.
  19. Kronosacx


    Re: LUMINOSITY ~ recruiting - red server :) <r>Good Luck with your guild <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. Very great guide,this will help so many players. How much how much time it took for you to do this?
  21. The reset time is 1 day
  22. Ty very much for this guide! Most of these commands i didn't know especially the pm one.
  23. On Fiery Path i found a whismur i think it should be added to the list.
  24. Thank you Rivaille, you helped me a lot. Keep up the good work. :y:
  25. Ty definitely going to bookmark :Heart:
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