Found a guide for every Gym and E4 in the other regions, and Hoen was missing. Just made this up on the go, hope it helps!
Rustboro City Gym - Rock Type
Reward: Rock Tomb - $3,000
Dewford Town Gym - Fighting Type
Reward: Bulk Up - $2,500
Mauville City Gym - Electric Type
Reward: Thunderbolt - $3,000
Lavaridge Town Gym - Fire Type
Reward: Overheat - $7,000
Petalburg City Gym - Normal Type
Reward: Facade - $3,500
Fortree Gym - Flying Type
Reward: ?? Nothing
Mossdeep Gym - Psychic Type
Reward: Calm Mind - $2,000
Sootopolis City Gym - Water Type
Reward: A Trip to Elite 4 Hoen!