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About Kinglaureta

  • Birthday 11/12/2003

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  1. Deleveling Request InGame Name: kinglaureta Server: Gold I want to delevel This to Lvl 99 So i can evolve into a blissey Delevel Request Ingame Name:kinglaureta Server: Gold Im sorry for asking again but i actually want to delevel it to lvl 98 bcs When i tried to Increse its happiness by fighting a poke it lvl to 100 Again, im so sorry for it.
  2. i became the johto champion, I have 361 hours of playtime, Ive caught all kanto pokes, defeated Lance in dragons den, got the dragons medalion and defeated mewtwo, i went to pallet town and talked to prof. oak and then i went to celadon and talked to the old man and he said iam not ready for this treasure yet. is this a bug?
  3. So i found a bug. whenever you create a new acc for the 2nd time youre pokedex will not reset, like when you first created your acc it will not show ??? instead it will show the pokes that your main acc caught and seen. will you fix this because its kinda cheating to see where to find pokes when you create a brand new acc. it looks like this, i hope you fix this soon
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