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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. i do agree mostly. Also the pvp is terrible and unfair for newer players. Its rediculous overpowerd that someone can mega evole and use a z-move for example.
  2. @Trambuii Congratz you won the Auction for charizard. Tell me when your online for your new pokemon
  3. wtb 3 masterballs 70k ea and 1 nature reroll 250k rigth now in vermi
  4. @Trambuii hey you won the auction tell me when your online in game for the trade. my ingame name is emilio1711
  5. @Trambuii s.o. is already 40k and min raise is 10k if you wanna do a offer it has to be atleast 50k
  6. Auction 24 hours after first offer. S.o. 200k Min bid: 50k No Insta 15 min rule aplies like usual at the end.
  7. @Omenrl Hey when can we do the trade you didnt text me anymore yesterday.
  8. 24h Auction s.o. 150k Min bid 50k Insta 800k 15min rule applied like usual.
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