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  1. ~BOUGHT~ @2:46PM, SAT: JAN 18th - 2025. WTB Shedinja Halo (bcc accessory) - 3.3m.
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  5. How about breathing some life back into follower pokémon, allowing for player interaction when facing their pokémon in the overworld. Reaction #1: - Happiness Scale Interaction - During interaction, the follower pokémon reacts by displaying an emoji above it's head depending on it's happiness level as shown in the picture below. Reaction #2: - Random Mood Interaction - During interaction, a chat bubble appears stating a random phrase depending on it's happiness level such as; "Blank is sniffing around", "Blank is eager to keep up with you", "Blank is poking at your feet", ETC. I've included a list of possible pokémon reactions below, however if this could be implemented even in the simplest of terms, with only a couple phrases/reactions, it would be good enough. List of all pokemon emotions: (For Reference) (All Credits to: "Toxicroak Mustard" & affiliates @PokéCommunity Forums for extracting data from Heartgold & Soulsilver.) [Very Happy and happy]: -(______) began poking you in the stomach -Your pokemon seems happy about the great weather -(______) is happy but shy -(______) is coming along happily -(______) is composed -(______) seems to be feeling great about walking with you! -(______) is glowing with health -(______) looks very happy -(______) put in extra effort -(______) is smelling the scents of the surounding air. -(______) is jumping for joy! -(______) is still feeling great! -Your pokemon has caught the scent of smoke -(______) is poking at your belly -Your pokemon stretched out its body and is relaxing -(______) greeted the two. (when standing in front of 2 trainers) -(______) looks like it wants to lead! -(______) is doing it's best to keep up with you -(______) is very eager! ( gym ) must have type advantage -(______) is happily cuddling up to you! -(______) is full of life! -(______) seems to be very happy! -(______) is so happy that it can't stand still! -(______) nodded slowly. -(______) greeted everyone! -(______) is very eager! -(______) greeted your mom -(______) is wandering around and listening to the different sounds -(______) looks very interested -(______) is somehow forcing itself to keep going -(______) gave you a sunny look! -(______) gives you a happy look and a smile -(______) is very composed and sure of itself (in a gym with a type advantage) - Your pokemon is smelling th scent of flowers -(______) seems very happy to see you! -(______) greeted Amphy! - Your pokemon is staring intently at the mountain peak -(______) faced this way and grinned -(______) happily cuddled up to you! -(______) is staring straight at the pokemon league -(______) is staring at the sea [No Emotion]: -(______) is steadily poking at the ground. -(______) is standing guard -(______) is staring patiantly at nothing at all. -(______) is wandering around. -(______) spun around in a circle! -Your pokemon yawned loudly! -(CELEBI) danced happily ( Pokemon Exclusive ) -(CELEBI) danced beautiful ( Pokemon Exclusive ) -Your pokemon is looking around restlessly -Sniff sniff, something smells good! ( Day care center ) -(______) seems dazzled after seeing the sky -Your pokemon is surveying the shelves restlessly ( In pokemart ) -(______) is steadily poking at the ground. -(______) seems highly interested in the tree -(______) is playing around, Picking bits of grass. -(______) is looking this way and smiling. -Your pokemon is smelling the scent of the flowers. (When next to flowers in Cherrygrove City) -Your pokemon is staring intently at the sea! (On the beach) -(______) is gazing around restlessly -(______) let out a battle cry -(______) is staring intently at the shelves -(______) danced a wonderful dance! -Why is it doing warm-up exercises? (Cerulean Gym) -(______) is running along the side of the pool! (Cerulean Gym) -(______) is vigorously producing fire (must be a fire type) -(______) spat fire (must be a fire type) -(______) is very eager -(TYPHLOSION) emitted fire and shouted ( Pokemon Exclusive ) -(______) is staring fixedly at the sea. -(______) Cried out, looking at the tall mountain! -(______) is vigorously breathing fire ( must be fire type) -(______) is stomping on the grass! -(MAGIKARP) is leaping around more than usual (lake of rage, During team rockets broadcast) ( Pokemon Exclusive ) - Your pokemon is staring intently at the sea! -(______) is looking at the surging sea -(______) is playing on the sand -(______) is staring intently into the distance -(______) is on the lookout! -(______) is looking outside and frolicking! - Is there a stream nearby? -(______) roared! -(______) looked off into the distance and barked! -(______) Greeted Slowbro (Cerulean city, in front of Slowbro) -(______) seems happy to have taken a shower! (Celadon gym) (Grass,Water type) -(______) is fidgeting in front of everyone (maybe baby pokemon) [Sad]: -(______) is dizzy -(______) is going to fall down! (when HP is red) -(______) is not happy. (During rain if the pokemon is a fire type) -(______) is stepping on your feet! -(______) seems to be about to fall over! (When HP is red.) -(______) is trying very hard to keep up with you... (When HP is yellow or paralyzed) -(______) seems a little tiered. -(______)'s burn looks painful! (when burnt) [Upset]: -(______) is taking shelter in the grass from the rain -(______) is splashing around in the wet grass -It seems to have eaten something strange. It's making an odd face... (Olivine Cafe) -(______) is staring at the crumbling floor (burnt tower) -(______) seems to think that (Player) has disappeared! ( Morty's Gym ) -(______) seems unhappy somehow... -(______) seems to feel a little claustrophobic. -(______) is a bit nervous about the narrow space! -(______) is making an unhappy face -(______) is splashing around in the grass (must be fire type) - Your pokemon doesn't like splashing around on the ground (must be fire type) -(______) is taking shelter in the grass from the rain (must be fire type) -(______) seems very cold (when frozen) - .....Your pokemon seems a little cold -(______) seems uneasy and is poking (PLAYER) -(______) Wants your attention now! Want to play along? (YES) Your pokemon seems to be having fun with (PLAYER) --------------------------------------------------------------(NO) Your pokemon is grumbling because it wants you to pay more attention to it -(______) is trembling with fear (Cemetery) -(______) seems somehow sad... (Cemetery) -(______) seems a bit uneasy and is shuffling around nervously, Say something? (YES) Your pokemon feels safer just by seeing (PLAYER)'s face ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(NO) Oh! Your pokemon seems about to fall... -(______) is growling softly (Dragon type in Dragons Den) [Angry]: -(______) let out a roar! -(______) is making a face like its angry! -(______) is staring at the persian statue and glaring. -(______) seems to be angry for some reason - Your pokemon turned to face the other way, showing a defiant expression. -(______) chewed on your feet, Scold it? (YES) your pokemon seems to be a bit dispondant... -------------------------------------------(NO) (-_-) Your pokemon ate something that tasted bad and is trying to spit it out! -(______) is glaring at the PERSIAN statue! -(______) is glaring at your foe! -(______) cried out -(______) is intimidating your foe! [Neutral]: (.....) -(______) is looking down steadily -(______) is blankly staring in this direction... -Want to call its name?- (Yes) ^_^ - your pokemon seems so happy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------(No) (...) Your pokemon is in a daze. -(______) is nervous ( in a gym before beating gym leader ) ( must have type disadvantage ) -(______) is surveying the area -(______) is sniffing at the floor -(______) is concerned about the swaying pillar (sprout tower) -Your pokemon is drooling a little (Olivine Cafe) -(______) seems very interested in the bicycles (bike shop) -(______) is preoccupied by the floor, which seems like it may collapse (burnt tower) -(______) is peering down -(______) is preoccupied by the ceiling, which seems like it may collapse (burnt tower) -(______) is somehow fighting off sleep... -(______) focused with a sharp gaze! (On the way to Victory Road.) -(______) is looking nervous. Would you like to say something? (YES) (______) seems shocked! ( ! ) --------------------------------------------------------------------(NO) Unknown -(______) emitted fire and shouted! (must be a fire type) -(______) seems to be wandering around. -(______) is staring intently at the goods on display! -(______) is looking around absentmindedly. -(______) yawned very loudly! -(______) is relaxing comfortably. -(______) is staring steadfastly at (PLAYER)'s face -(______) is staring intently at (PLAYER)'s face -(______) is focusing its attention on you -(______) is staring into the depths -(______) is sniffing at the floor - Your pokemon is staring intently at nothing - Your pokemon turned to face the other way, showing a defiant expression. -(______) seems to relax as it hears the sound of rustling leaves... -(______) seems to be listening to the sound of rustling leaves -(______) focused with a sharp gaze! -(______) seems to be a bit nervous, Want to say something? (YES) Waah! your pokemon is acting very surprised! ------------------------------------------------------------------(NO) Your pokemon appears to be somewhat hardened and unable to move. -(______) is concentrating. -(______) faced this way and nodded. -(______) has a sleepy look on its face... (Near Jigglypuff in Radio Tower.) -(______) seems a bit nervous... -(______) seems interested in Amphy... -(______) is looking at (PLAYER)'s footprints. -(______) is staring intently at the reflection of its face -(______) is gnawing at the ice -(______) is staring straight into (PLAYER)'s eyes. -(______) seems to want to play and is gazing at you expectedly, Will you give in? (YES) Your pokemon is indescribably happy! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(NO) (sad) Oh! your pokemon seems about to cry! -(______) is staring at its reflection in the water -Your pokemon is gazing restlesly at you as if it wants to play, do you want to give in? (YES) Your pokemon jumped around happily -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(NO) Unknown [Love]: -(______) suddenly started walking closer! -(______) cheeks are becoming rosy! -Woah (______) sudenly hugged you! -(______) nudged (Player), -Nudge back?- (YES) - Your pokemon is shouting hapily -----------------------------------------(NO)- (-_-) your pokemon seems a bit bored. -Woah! (______) is suddenly playful! -(______) is rubbing against your legs! -(______) blushes. -Ah! (______) cuddles you! -(______) is regarding you with adoration! -(______) got closer to (PLAYER) -(______) is keeping close to your feet.
  6. Following up on the Vsync issue that I've been having with the regular android client. After having installed the legacy client, the Vsync isn't limiting itself anymore and I'm able to set it to 120fps. Thank you for the assistance, I appreciate it.
  7. Hi @Fusionflair No worries, as I've forgotten that I submitted this issue in the first place. Here's how my settings look like while on mobile. No idea why it won't let me uncheck the VSync option. My phone is the Google Pixel 9 Pro XL, and it's running the latest android version. Hope this helps.
  8. Whenever I play PRO on my mobile phone which runs on android, the fps is limited to whatever my VSync is set to. My phone supports 120hz refresh rate, and yet the maximum framerate that I can set my VSync to is 24 fps. I tried to disable VSync but it's not allowing me to change that option. What can I do to disable VSync on Android? I want to play in all of its 120hz glory.
  9. Curious, would follower pokemon be visible while wearing the running shoes though?
  10. Lovely to hear! Looking forward to it.
  11. Bump
  12. Hello PRO Staff & Community, I have come up with a new mount suggestion. This is a rather ambitious idea considering that it would go against the way mounts function currently, nonetheless it would be cool to see get implemented. - (Currently with equipped mounts, your follower pokemon isn't visible.) Imagine your mount is a pair of running shoes like in the original games, but with a catch; your follower pokemon is visible while they are equipped. [Mount Specs]: Same speed as a regular mount. Allows your follower pokemon to be visible while shoes are equipped.
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