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Everything posted by Kaizen17

  1. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <t>I did all of steps but in the second step of part 2 I can't continue because I haven't got any GS Ball, how can i get it again?</t>
  2. Sometimes when I want to move with Batton Pass, the move doesn't work good. For example, I choose batton pass but the game change a pokemon like a normal change. Other times the move works good.
  3. Under construction, there come more Gyarados soon. Try to sell before than Friday 17:00 Spanish hour.
  4. I don't have much time now for Pokemon because examns, so when I finish the exams, my auction will be ended
  5. Re: THE PVP SHOP, Search your epic Pokemon into categories <t>New pokemons added</t>
  6. Re: THE PVP SHOP, Search your epic Pokemon into categories <r><QUOTE author="h037"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okay, I will change it.</r>
  7. Re: THE PVP SHOP, Search your epic Pokemon into categories <r><QUOTE author="LeBron974"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'm bulding the shop, not at the moment.</r>
  8. Are you searching an epic pokemon? Come on, open your eyes and find your favourite pokemon. Put your offer.
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