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Everything posted by Imlunar

  1. hey, message me when you are online
  2. I've seen all these cool new features that we are getting and they're all really really nice. However the one feature that I've always taken for granted on showdown is the cancel button after clicking a move or clicking a Pokemon to switch into. I can't remember how many times I've been in a battle and I think,"If only I clicked this move instead". I'm sure many people have also miss-clicked a move and had to deal with the consequences of that mistake. I believe that the cancel button would be a really great addition to our battle UI. It will make the game a bit more well rounded and fun in my opinion. If this is a feature that has been thought about in the past (I'm sure it has) then please add it to the game whenever it is possible. Thank you! :D
  3. hey, message me when you are online or on discord = Lunar#8241
  4. start 800k insta 2m ends Wednesday June 10th @ 3:11 AM PST C.O 1.5m https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?members/melonias.2332601/
  5. Hey i wtb the 300k 30 speed 25 atk uburden hawlucha
  6. 500k C,O Ends 12:48 PM PST
  7. S.o 500k insta 5m 1.5m C,O https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?members/dan7789.2504865/ Ends 12:48 PM PST
  8. im sorry the time zone for PRO's website is not the same as mine. I still would have acknowledges you as the winner once you pointed it out sorry. let me know when you can trade.
  9. 5 hours remaining, will be asleep when the auction ends so last offer within the auction time will be the winner.
  10. start 400k Insta 1.4m Auction will end 24 Hours after first bid, PST will post exact time when i get a bid. C.O 400k Auction ends 7AM PST 20hours from now.
  11. i offer 600k
  12. 5 new mons added Hp ICE Tangrowth Ada Guts Conkeldurr SOLD Thick Fat Snorlax Jolteon Mamoswine
  13. srafty, scizor, weavile & conkeldurr sold jolly & adamant haxorous sold
  14. Updated
  15. pm me in game or on discord please IGN imlunar Discord Lunar#8241
  16. okay IGN: imlunar Discord: Lunar#8241
  17. insta ferro sassy
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