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Everything posted by Skylight057

  1. what do i get from them and where do i find abounded pokemon i found some i want i to find them all :thanks:
  2. Skylight057

    Ban Crawdaunt

    XD mudslap too powerful of a move LOL
  3. Skylight057

    Ban Crawdaunt

    LOL funny post funny when i see something like this it screams "ban this pokemon it's too powerful" LOL
  4. the person who wanted my oddish for a lvl 100 kingdra please reply i'm ready to give it away
  5. what are the halloween candies for? where can i find the 3 spirits? is rotom in one of those houses in the swamp? thanks for answering bye
  6. i'm supposed to go to illusory forest to get someone's hair they told me it's west of lavendar town but how far west? past celedon city? past the cycling route? where? did i miss it is it outdated help?
  7. level 70 magnezone level 50 something venasaur price check
  8. ok i got the package to the brother now for the nocturnal feather are those only found at night? what pokemon hold them?
  9. i'm offering my lvl 100 non shiny charizard for trade anyone want it
  10. the update is the same as the normal one it says i need a different version to play but the different version in this version i know i'm breaking a rule here but if i can't log in ban me forever cause i can't log in to my game
  11. i can't you take them or i'm leaving this mmo and playing a better pokemon mmo
  12. can you make npcs rebattabllable please i have a lvl 100 charizard that can't cut cut it for the elite 4 it's either that or you take one of my pokemon and level it up to 100 or i leave for good and play a batter pokemon mmo
  13. Re: if nobody's going to help train my pokemon then i'm leaving <r><QUOTE author="Synek1" post_id="422299" time="1501928414" user_id="1314509"><s> </e></QUOTE> it's not a joke i'm desperate here</r>
  14. Re: if nobody's going to help train my pokemon then i'm leaving <r><QUOTE author="TheAkalli" post_id="422300" time="1501928517" user_id="869843"><s> </e></QUOTE> it's not a joke i'm desperate here</r>
  15. if nobody's going to help train my pokemon then i'm leaving <t>please help me train my pokemon to lvl 100 people if you don't i'm not playing this game anymore my lvl 100 charizard can't cut it it can't beat the elite 4 if you want to help me i'm on blue server</t>
  16. my lvl 6 pickachu to lvl 100
  17. my lvl 6 pickachu to lvl 100
  18. my lvl 6 pickachu to lvl 100
  19. my lvl 6 pickachu to lvl 100 please
  20. how do i get to love and pinkan island if it's after i beat the elite 4 then can someone help lvl up some of my pokemon to lvl 100 my lvl 100 charizard won't cut it :thanks:
  21. i can't log in to to blue server why?
  22. my espeon is at max happiness and the love salior still won't let leave for love island do i need to beat the elite 4 to go to love and pinkan island if i do can someone please lvl up some of my pokemon to lvl 100 my lvl 100 charizard won't cut it i'm at blue server if you agree to lvl up some of my pokemon
  23. i need some guild that daycare services my lvl 100 charizard won't cut it for elite 4s so i need some guild to lvl up some of my pokemon to lvl 100 :thanks:
  24. any guilds with daycare services i need some of my pokemon to lvl 100 my lvl 100 charizard won't cut it for the elite 4s
  25. please my lvl 100 charizard can't cut it i can give you my bulbasur,espeon,anything i can capture pokemon that i can capture some well before the national dex
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