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Everything posted by Tren

  1. Hi everybody ! @Mbk Madcartos write "end affter the first bid 48h" the first bid in come pm 4.35 soo its ended in 4.35 Henrypart2 write offer 4.36 so he out of time . Why not me winning?
  2. hii are u accept poke ? + money (i want that charizard)
  3. up
  4. Hi i have problem with celebi quest i Kill the 3 legendary dog, kill Ho-oh and kill thor , all kanto and johto poke got .. 574hour played 136 evolve poke . everythin done but when i go in a ilex forest i dont see Celebi ... its okey maybe in my past i try speak with her but when i go the scientic guy he dont wanna giving me a GS ball.. he all time say me "dont disturb me" pls Help me guys!!!
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