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About Narud

  • Birthday 10/16/1999

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  • Career
    Begginer Mapper
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  • Occupation
    Begginer Mapper

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Of what i mean 1st this like city. I maked a lto of ,aps so dont say first - this confuses me. And thanks for rating.
  2. Wow i like those workd a lot. Nice!
  3. Thanks for rating, but i dont get you. What "cut buildings or houses" mean? And signboard looks bad here? Why you say about them? I guess all players get thats signboards on buildings is kinda "Pokemart" or something, look much better than just free space. And straight lines is what i planned to palce if really, no matter PRO filled with those like roads, or not? Wish you get me right :Angel:
  4. Nice to see you here. Welcome back ^^
  5. Hello there. This is first city i made in PRO style. How is it for a first try? I used 3 houses as max as i can, wish you like it. :Grin: Thanks for view, good luck!
  6. Feel so great, man :3
  7. Omg, why i so poor in this topic :c
  8. Shiny reward... So difficult for events...
  9. Shiny chingling? Srsly? :D
  10. I dont see any mistake... What you talking about?
  11. There no one need to care. PRO is far from Kalos. Only 9ommy have Hoopa, I think.
  12. Hello there guys! I just catched nice Carbink thats i want to use in PvP. Can someone help me set item, moveset, EVs should be trained? (Click on image.). Smogon says its need Rest and Sleep Talk, i dont want to go that like. Anybody can help? Thanks!
  13. Nice idea.
  14. Well, hello Reborn. Lets see what i have. ● My In-game Name is - Narud ● I online in discord a lot. ● I living in Russia at the time, but English is not that hard for me. ● For the registation moment I have 265 hours, i online a lot in PRO, like 1-4 hours at day (Usually.). ● PRO is just my way to relax and play with friends, i dont have seirous goal to reach. Just playing and having fun. ● Just like to join those guys, to be in friendly company, get help and just to talk sometimes. Anyway - events, rewards going to be fun for players, want to try it myself. Wish to join this guild, waiting for the answer!
  15. I see your problem done, than just welcome to the PRO, good luck!
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