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Everything posted by Doax

  1. [mention]Villesvahlin[/mention] Hey there! I moved you to the proper forum. That way you can have a better chance of being recruited :)
  2. [mention]Shirako48[/mention] Hi! To confirm what Honbuk stated; The Volcarona wings are the only non tradeable wings. All others you acquire can be traded! In case you don't know you need 290+ points or 400+ wth a shiny to receive a pair of the Volcarona wings, if you don't have them already. You can check out a guide for the bug catching contest here. If you have any other questions feel free to ask! I'm also moving this to the proper forum and locking it as solved :Cool:
  3. [mention]LordCarrot[/mention] Welcome :) Hope you enjoyed Kanto! Whenever entering a new region your pokemon from any previous region become locked until you obtain the 8th badge of that region. However you can still trade before the 8th badge as long as the Pokemon you trade were caught within your current region. In example; You can trade a (Johto) Mareep for a (Johto) Gyarados that's level 60 if you wish. Also, all your items and money stay with you. So be sure to take all necessary and sellable items off Pokemon that may be holding them before exploring a new region! I hope this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to ask :) I moved this to the proper forum and locked it as solved.
  4. [mention]Orzechovaty[/mention] Hey! Can you check your PC for me? And see if you're pokemon are locked in there, as you may be in Johto on one server. If not please let me know :)
  5. [mention]Illurian[/mention] Great question! The reset ivs button was locked due to community request. As of now it is not known if it will ever be implemented in game. I hope this answers your question :) I moved this to the proper area and locked it as solved!
  6. [mention]royalrocky88[/mention] Hi there! Is your torchic evolving? If so it will prompt you to learn the move before evolution, then again after denying or accepting the evolution. As far as your bug find goes, as you said it is a mapping bug post screenshots and an explanation of what the bug is you are experiencing. Then someone will be able to help you :)
  7. @co[mention]counting289[/mention] Since you're selling 5+ pokes I moved this to personal shops :) Good luck!
  8. [mention]kingshukghosh[/mention] Hi there! Anytime you lose to a trainer you lose 5% of your total money. I see you said you blacked out yesterday. Did you black out more than once?
  9. Welcome to PRO! We're so glad to have you :)
  10. Hi there! Welcome to PRO :)
  11. [mention]ManamiSama[/mention] I would also try using a cleaner like CCleaner and updating your drivers. As well be sure to make sure you meet the requirements for your PC or MAC, whichever you may be using.
  12. [mention]Lopie[/mention] Hi! You can find the client downloads here. Mirrors Let me know if any of that works and send the feedback in this thread :Shy:
  13. Doax

    gen 6

    [mention]magoogly87[/mention] Hey there! As was mentioned above by Snake, Froakie was a Vulcan Island event catchable pokemon. That doesn't mean you missed your chance though! Thor boss, when meeting certain requirements, has a chance to drop froakie :) Boss Guide Here you can find the info of every bosses requirements, rewards, and team :) I hope this helps! And that you're enjoying your time in game I'm going to lock this topic as solved. Any other questions, feel free to ask!
  14. Hey [mention]CrushVenom[/mention]! Thanks for the input. I'll relay this to Staff and see what they say, and try and get them to give input. Enjoy the new release of Sinnoh :) It will be a great experience Edit: PRO uses a gen5-gen6 model. Meaning Bibarel won't learn either aqua jet or swords dance, as it's a gen7 move pool. :/ This should answer any future questions you have about movesets. I'm going to lock this topic as solved now. I hope everything works out for you. and if you have any additional questions, never be afraid to ask :Shy:
  15. Welcome to the forums [mention]harukopeanut[/mention]! Glad to have you :)
  16. [mention]yasho1999[/mention] Moved to proper forum. And the server is doing last minute testing and updates :) it will be up soon! Locked as solved
  17. [mention]foreverbog[/mention] Good evening! (at least for me). As PurpleMauth mentioned, there isn't a sure answer. Unfortunately, that's something you would have to try out first, and possibly download additional software. I would suggest as well keeping your receipt and returning it if all does not work. As there's known issues with controllers. I hope it all works out for you! Any other questions feel free to ask! I'm locking this topic as solved :)
  18. Welcome to the forums :) Enjoy!
  19. @[mention]anhunter0258[/mention] Hey there :) If you're referring to Volca wings, it's one set per player. Requirements for them are 290+ points in bug catching, 400+ if it's a shiny! I hope this solves that issue, feel free to ask anything other questions you may have!
  20. [mention]ManamiSama[/mention] Hi! Have you deleted all past clients of PRO you may have? Depending what OS you are using there's some links to help with that crashes and any other issues you may have. Win7 Guide https://tinyurl.com/crashhelp Win10 Crash Fix https://tinyurl.com/PROwin10fix Android Guide https://tinyurl.com/androidprofix Mac Guide https://tinyurl.com/macprofix Try those for whichever OS you are using. Also be sure to disable your anti virus/add PRO to firewall exceptions. You can try unzipping without WinRar or 7zip as well, then disable anti virus, then restart your PC. Let me know if any of these work :) I wish you luck!
  21. Welcome BenFood! You have an exciting journey ahead of you. I wish you the best of luck :)
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