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About Charlin052

  • Birthday 11/13/1994

Personal Information

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  • Occupation
    caçador pokemon

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Charlin052's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. IGN: Charlin052 Discord Tag: charlin#6516 Server: silver cool: Ugly: Funny:
  2. IGN: Charlin052 Playtime: 881h 55 min PVP rating: 1 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: to get a better nature with only one reroll tickt Vote for Birth Island: Yes Reason: because its cool
  3. Sold. How i can meet you in game? My name in game is Charlin052
  4. Sorry, offert too low, i can't accept.
  5. start offer 600k. insta 1m.
  6. i want to buy 10 coin capsule
  7. mt tablet transleate automatic... really? i know speak english LOL
  8. 1. Qual é o seu nome no jogo?Charlin052 2. Quantos anos você tem?23 3. Qual é a sua coisa favorita a fazer? PvP, shinies de caça, negociação ou apenas sair com as pessoas?pvp and hunting 4. Quais são as suas ambições em PRO?catch epic pokemons 5. Com tantas guildas disponíveis, por que o Paradoxo?i found on forum and i like the name 6. Quão ativo você está na discórdia?on
  9. I have one Altaria ev's atk:29, def:29, spd:29, spat:25, spdef:31, hp:22 ev's trained: 252 atk/128spd/130hp nature: Adamant / abi: natural cure how much is this altaria worth? thanks~~~ :Question: :Question: :thanks:
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