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Everything posted by Cryous

  1. I also prefer the Xmas version, it's unique and fits the Pokemon very well. Same thing with the Halloween Darkrai
  2. This would definitely prevent a lot of scamming
  3. Did you beat the Sinnoh E4?
  4. My guess is the yellow server is probably the most "sane" server right now since it's the newest
  5. It isn't added yet
  6. Your Pokemon needs atleast 151 happiness to use it. You make your Pokemon happy by defeating other Pokemon and winning battles To check your Pokemon's happiness press F2 and type /happy 1-6 (1-6 is the slot of the Pokemon in your party)
  7. If you think you might say something that will get you banned then just stay quiet Some people are better off being ignored and they don't deserve your attention
  8. They will eventually fix any missing content or bugs so don't worry :)
  9. If you don't plan on PvPing or selling those Pokemon then I wouldn't bother too much with it
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