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Everything posted by Miraxed

  1. Alolan ninetails can't learn a foul play move. in prowiki it say it can learn a in move tutor.
  2. last 24 min
  3. 2 Hr left
  4. Start 500k Min bid 100k 24h duration Insta 2.5m
  5. Sold insta can be closed thank you.
  6. C.o 700k min bid 50k accept cc = 350k Insta 1.8m 12 hr left
  7. Player name: Miraxed Showdown name: Ryeetz Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 10
  8. Fake contest its say here "fail ability" and nature Contest they only counting in ivs togepi points only 850 and larvitar are 881 pts proof Only 3 ivs difference it mean they didn't add fail ability in points oh it was a bug got fixed thanks
  9. i accidentally release the poke pls help Thanks love it!
  10. NAME CHANGE Username: Miraxed New Username: Mirage ,(If not available, Mirag3) Server to charge the money from: Silver
  11. already sold to smokerog pls close
  12. pm me ingame so we can trade
  13. Start offer 300k auction will be over after 24 hours first bid CC=300k minimum bid increase 50k
  14. Thank you so much!! i got it back!! long live pro!!
  15. Miss click on released pokemon .Just today i caught a froakie Jolly h.a 25 atk 20+ def 30 spd 14 spatk 20+spdef hp 16 or 19 hidden power flying im O.T i caught that froakie around 30 mins before World Quest in silver pls help IGN: miraxed
  16. i caught the froakie around 30 mins when about to start the World Quest in silver
  17. i dont have the screen shot but the ivs i can say and i just caught it today froakie h.a jolly 25atk def 20+ spd 30 spatk 14 spdef 21 hp 16 or 19 HiddenPower flying im the O.T pls help me
  18. sold by shaquille 4m. how to close this?
  19. end 9/11/19 6 pm PH TIME
  20. wts greninja h.a 20+ ivs h.a fire c.o 2m by yakuzah
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