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Everything posted by Dctrpopper

  1. 400k for Klefki
  2. When I first started off, I had an eevee I evolved without knowing it would need more exp to level up and I evolved it down the wrong path. If possible can you revert the evolution so I can continue training and evolving it to an evolution of my liking?
  3. Ign: Dctrpopper Answer 1: 3 on his back 1 around his neck Answer 2: white with grey at his back Answer 3: turquoise
  4. Re: Origin guild -TOP 3- (Blue and Red server) recruiting active players! <t>BLUE<br/> Ign: DctrPopper<br/> Hours of played?: 131 hours<br/> Favorite pokemon and why? Gallade, it's a strong pokemon and looks really cool. <br/> Are you able to visit our discord server? Yes<br/> Why should we accept you to our guild? I plan on joining the pvp once I farm the right team and have decent pokemon knowledge. If you have room, I hope you can invite me.</t>
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