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  1. hey, Ive got a problem, and I think this would solve the same problem to a lot of ppl, the thing is, I dissable my chat all the time because a lot of people keeps pm me, which is annoying, specially when you're doying pvp matches, so I always keeps the chat dissable, well, thats a problem because I cant chat with my friends, so I talk on local, I recently got banned for using some kind of languague, an 18+ lenguaje, which I get it, I wont deny I did something wrong, but how am I supposed to chat with my friends and dissable the chat at the same time, it would be great to have an option to chat to someone while having the chat disabbled, for example if it is in your friends list or something like that, I would need to clean my friends list, but taht would be a way, or maybe just in general an option to talk to somebody even if your chat is dissable maybe if Im the one who starts the conversation or something like that, it would be great, because I really can't chat to my frinds and disabble the chat at the same time, and look where that brought me, now Im banned.
  2. start offer 400k, insta 1m, 72 hrs from first bid, min raise 50k
  3. I wanna buy the second one, pm me on the game
  4. I guess the point of the 10 min is to avoid people from creating multiple accounts and try to raise their own ratting by fighting themselves, otherwise I dont see what would be the point. I totally get that, even though theres no way to guarante fighting with yourselve and if you dont fight other oponnents, well you basically loose rating but, it is really frustrating wanting to abandon a battle and not being able to do it, yes, I sometimes don't want to fight someone with a team full of walls, because it is really annoying and take a lot of time I just dont want to spend 30 min in one single batlle, in that case the 10 min of punishment is even better. I would really like to have a quit bottom, I mean, if I'm battling I clearly want to win, it is not like if I would be pushing the bottom all the time. And if the problem is to avoid people from cheating, why would not you implement a way where multiple accounts with the same IP address are not be able to battle I for sure know that's a thing, that can be done, the 10 min for me doesn't have any sense, I go to pokemon showdown and you can just quit a battle whenever you want and that makes the game more faster and entertaining, because however much the game entertaining the pvp battles are really annoying, they are frustrating I just recently quit a battle and after waiting the 10 min, the game decided to continue my battle with the next person, and guess what, I could not end the battle because I wasn't able to use the pokemons, because for the game they were already dead, so, I quit a battle, wait the 10 min, and when I finally came back, the game just bugged for quitting the last battle, and I had to wait another 10 minand also loose a battle I was going to win for sure. that 10 min system not are just annoying but also causes bugs, wich its not fear, and it is not the first time something like that happens to me theres a picture that proof what Im talking about
  5. chansey bold +24 def, hp and spdef serene grace heal bell sismic toss toxic softboiled
  6. I would like for you guys to write a code to make simulations, and put togekiss with serene grace to use air slash against blissey and gliscor. I know togekiss has the ability to makes pokemons flinch more often, but I think somethins wrong with the code, since with blissey it flinch once in a while, but with gliscor never fails. Ivee been using both of the pokemons for several months, and Ive done this multiples times, tbh, with gliscor it always flinch, ALWAYS, but no with other pokemons.
  7. theres no auction time, if I get a good offer Ill take it
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